Taste like nothing you’ve ever eaten.

Organic sunflower sprouts truly have a flavor all their own!
They're a tender baby vegetable, high in chlorophyll, and a good substitute for lettuce. They have a slightly salty taste that some compare to watercress.
Organic Sunflower sprouts are high in fiber; protein; essential fatty acids; vitamins A, B complex, and C; potassium; and magnesium. They also provide the trace elements zinc, manganese, copper, and chromium.
Organic Sunflower greens are rich in chlorophyll, enzymes, vitamins, proteins.
FACTS about our Sunflower Sprouting Seeds:
- High germination rate
- Perfect for edible seeds and greens
- Grows well in traditional and hydroponic gardens
- Make delicious salad sprouts
- Long-term survival food storage
- Organic cooking
- Prime quality
- Specially selected
- Certified 100% USDA Organic
- Certified UDAF
- Non-GMO
- Made in the USA